Motherhood Circles

Because we need each other.

“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.”


Introducing Motherhood Circles

You’re here because you want support, connection, and healing.

Motherhood Circle’s are private, virtual healing circles. Sessions are limited to 10 participants per group session. New group sessions enroll every 8 weeks.

These sessions are designed to normalize our feelings and create a safe container to learn and use EFT Tapping to heal what’s no longer serving us, while creating community. We will use group share as a way to create dialogue.

Circle dates being announced soon!

We meet via Zoom

In these Circles, you will:

Hear from other women with similar experiences.

  • Share your story without fear of judgement, you will be heard and seen.

  • Give and receive support.

  • Form relationships with other moms who get it.

  • Have access to a private Facebook group.

How is this Different than a talk based or CBT Postpartum Support Group?

We will focus on sharing and talking points, but we will be adding EFT Tapping. It is an incredibly effective technique for reducing stress and working through difficult emotions.

Looking for something more one-on-one?

I would be honoured to work with you. To ensure this is a good fit for both of us, let’s have a chat.